our impact

By creating products and using our planet’s resources, we have an impact on the world. We are responsible for our share of carbon emissions, and we are responsible for lowering it. To do that in an efficient manner, we need to know the scale of our emissions and where the majority of it is coming from.

Emissions and accountability

We have an impact on the world. We are responsible for our share of carbon emissions, and we are responsible for lowering it. To do that in an efficient manner, we need to know the scale of our emissions and where the majority of it is coming from. If not, we risk wasting time and resources at initiatives that will make little to no difference. Therefore, we have committed to two initiatives that not only require that we lower our emissions significantly but also that we calculate and report on our emissions.


GripGrab has committed to Shift Climate Commitment, initiated by Shift Cycling Culture and to Science Based Target initiative (SBTi). SBTi is based on the standards of the GHG protocol, and is an initiative where companies commit to climate action and reducing their emissions in line with the ambitions of the Paris Agreement of limiting global warming to 1,5°C.

Based on these commitments, we have the following goals:

  • Reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions with 55% by 2030, with 2021 as our base year
  • Reach net-zero by 2040, with 2021 as our base year
  • Publicly report our company-wide Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions inventory and progress annually, using the GHG Protocol reporting standards.


When faced with something so crucial and severe as climate change, it is easy to become overwhelmed - as a company as well as a consumer. But we must not let the search for one large solution stand in the way of the small changes. We need both and every contribution is valuable. We must help each other, and at GripGrab we are determined to advise and inspire you to make those small but mighty changes.