No one knows our business and products better than the Gripsters, and no one is better equipped to help change them for the better.
Every Gripster contributes either directly or indirectly to this change. We have divided the main responsibilities between a few dedicated Gripsters, with our CPO and Managing Director of Quality Assurance handling all things related to our products and supply chain, whereas the CEO and People & Culture manager are involved with HQ initiatives and internal knowledge sharing.
Knowledge is power, and we want all our employees to have a full understanding of our policies and direction. To fully educate all Gripsters on what has been done so far, and where we are headed, we will launch a series of internal newsletters on our efforts in this area.

In 2020, we had been wanting to take more action in relation to sustainability and responsibility for a good while. But, because there were so many important areas to work with, we did not know where or how to begin.
Therefore, we started a collaboration with sustainability consultancy, Sustaina Company, and we haven’t looked back since.
Together, we started working from the bottom up, and setting a direction for our future work. This meant developing the right policies, mapping our supply chain and material usage, and setting up the due diligence process we follow today.
Today Sustaina Company helps us realise our ambitions one by one and provides important expertise in all matters related to sustainability.
In the autumn of 2021, we became part of the publicly funded sustainability programme, Future Textile Requirements (Fremtidens Tekstilkrav).
The programme was designed to bring companies in the Danish textile industry closer to meeting the environmental and social requirements of the future. We intensified our work with Sustainawear, and chose to focus on the development of a carbon accounting report, to gain a better understanding of our actual impact.
In the autumn of 2022, we will be joining yet another funding programme – SMV:GRØN – where our focus will be on internal and external and finding solutions that support the movement for more a circular industry.